Welcome to the Pultneyville Yacht Club power page. Although a large majority of the boats in the yacht club are sail, there are over 15 or so powerboats ranging from 25 to 38 feet in length. Models run from fully rigged fishing boats, express cruisers, and flybridge cruisers to trawlers.
As you can imagine, activities range from weekend cruises, anchoring out for the afternoon, fishing over the local bass spots, and long range cruising to all parts of the lake. In 2003, our power fleet visited Toronto, Cobourg, Bay of Quinte, Kingston, Thousand Islands Area, St. Lawrence Seaway, Rideau Canal, Sacketts Harbor, Henderson Harbor, Oswego, Fair Haven Bay, Sodus Bay, Rochester, Oak Orchard, and Lake George – nearly every navigable port on the lake. With reciprocal privileges, many of those visits were with yacht clubs like ours to enjoy the friendship of fellow boaters.
The annual club cruise includes both power and sail and is sponsored and coordinated by the club social programs. Other cruises are basically planned in small groups and open to whoever wants to go that way on that time. Many of the power boaters travel together, or at least planning to get to the same place – the trawlers and twin 454 cruisers are on different cruising paces. It has also be a fun experience to catch up with our own members somewhere on the lake just by chance. Pictures of some of the power fleet are shown in or heading to various ports below.
Big Rideau Lake Thousand Islands Cruise Heading Out A group at the Epinicon in Canada